Are you internally happy?

Mitalie Shah
3 min readFeb 7, 2022

There are times when I feel like I’ve lived a life where being internally happy has felt very remote to me because I’ve always tried to find my happiness in others or depending on others to make me happy. It’s so strange that I can be an extremely confident individual but if someone comes upto me and asks me when was the last time your soul was genuinely happy I’d have trouble coming up with that answer.

I’ve always struggled with the notion of being happy on my own and felt like I lack something in order to feel that or need that validation from someone else within my life to provide that happiness for me. But lately realizing that no one can make you happy besides yourself which is something that you can’t just be aware of but really have to find ways to implement it. Usually we realize things like this when something internally makes you question your worth and those are the times when you’ve to introspect what truly makes you happy. It’s so important to create that for yourself and its almost like your safe haven that you should depend on no matter how challenging things get as that’s your default to bounce back on. Because if you already have that reserve then even if you’re going through something upsetting you can bounce back from it while taking your time to heal from it.

The awareness is the first step and the next step is the willingness to keep moving in the direction of doing things that you happy whether its try that new coffee place in your neighborhood or finally getting that puppy/doggo or traveling to that one destination you’ve been eyeing for years or doing solo elevator parties or smiling to strangers or like getting those hiking shoes you’ve wanted to buy for ages..the point is to do it and not think about it. A lot of times we hesitate to take the first step forward despite knowing internally how much that one thing can help shape up your life in the long run because we’re afraid to get out of our comfort zone as we’re so comfortable in it. But the point is in order to find that inner peace you also have to do the necessary work and not keep ignoring your own needs. Its challenging to be patient but if you’re then you will be rewarded with inner bliss that we truly deserve.

The reality to this all is you owe yourself to live a life where you’re wholeheartedly and unapologetically living a life that makes you genuinely content. You’ve to be the best version of yourself in order to get there which will require some figuring things out which might just make that journey even more adventurous. You’ve to invest in yourself to get the best returns in the long term and if you don’t then you’ll keep losing a part of yourself when something causes a significant change within your life.



Mitalie Shah

Family Medicine Doc. Collector of quotes especially the ones that tell my story. Part-time dreamer and full-time believer.