Why do we feel “down in the dumps” sometimes?

Mitalie Shah
3 min readFeb 8, 2021

I’m not going to lie this past whole week has sucked in so many different ways that I needed to write about it. I feel like when you get ambushed from all directions in your life you can feel nothing but drained and the only way out is going through it unfortunately. It’s not easy when you get unexpected news for certain things you were hopeful about and that brought some form of happiness as well as consistency within your life. The only thing that’s been helping me get through are long conversations with some of my closest friends as well as working out and then writing about it. I always feel like whenever I feel a sense of calmness or consistency in my life something or the other goes wrong where I can’t seem to wrap my head around. I feel like each time I feel a little sigh of relief something or the other does not work out and it always takes me 100 steps behind when it comes to my mental peace.

The other thing I’ve noticed that I do is look for my peace in other people who are meant to be temporarily within my life and not knowing what their true intentions are from the beginning is what I struggle with. I always feel if I’m making a new friend or talking to someone and start caring about them they’d probably have the same intentions towards me but that’s not the case all the time. We as human beings are extremely complex and flawed as sometimes we want to see what we feel is right for us but don’t see what we should be seeing. The reality is we can never know what anyone is thinking or going through no matter how connected you feel with that person or being. At first, I’m upset then bitter and eventually sad which leads to disappointment and just makes me feel like what is it with me that I go through that. One of my friends pointed it out very well to me that sometimes we go through patterns of certain things if we don’t work on it and universe has a way of sending it our way again and again till we learn how to get past it without making the same mistake again. It brought awareness to me and in some ways made me think about the choices I make when it comes to things in life.

The reality is at the end of the day you just have yourself and putting yourself through unhappy days more than happy days requires you to really focus on self care plus focusing on things that can bring peacefulness to you. I’ve realized that finding peace in others is wrong way of living a life and you’ve to find that within yourself by doing things that bring happiness to your soul. Lastly I’ll say that as humans we need to realize that our action has a direct impact on how you make other people feel so be extremely careful that although you make a decision for your own self it can very well impact someone negatively. Our actions have consequences on other people within your life and if that’s a pattern you’ve been going through your whole life then its time you take a look within yourself to self-reflect and find that reason which is making you do that every time. Finally, I wish we as humans took more risks in things we believe in, trusted more, were more vulnerable and connect with others with complete transparency then we’d be living a world with less self-doubt, sadness and disappointments.

Finally the quote that has resonated with me through this week has been is the one I’ll share here.



Mitalie Shah

Family Medicine Doc. Collector of quotes especially the ones that tell my story. Part-time dreamer and full-time believer.